What is This Test?

This is a variant of the so called Zener Test, also known as ESP (Extra Sensory Perception test).

Traditionally, the Zener Test is an experimental method used to measure the extrasensorial ability of an individual and it consists on guessing cards depicting 5 different symbols for a total of 25 guesses.

In this variant proposed by NextParadigm LAB and developed for play by Brum Brum Games, an extra layer of complexity is added with the use of colors in addition to shapes.

Your Reward!

At the end of this test you will know the statistics based on your performance. If your performance is especially good, you will also get incredible rewards to use at www.nextparadigmlab.it!

NextParadigm LAB explores the hypotesis that human intuition exists, and believes that the combination of intuition with statistical and mathematical studies may reveal information that our conscious mind cannot comprehend.

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